Monthly Archives: January 2016

January 2016 Favorites

Happy 2016! It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged and so much in my life has changed. However, my love for fashion and beauty has not; so, I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and record my fist YouTube video. It isn’t the best quality, but I am actually pleasantly surprised with myself for not hating it. It was really fun to record and I hope you like it.

My goal is to record one video a week for the next six months and then from there I can reassess. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or what you would like to see!

MAC Rebel Lipstick MAC Whirl Lipstick (what I’m wearing in the video) | Hourglass Palette | Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment  | Sunday Riley Luna Oil (full size) | Sunday Riley Good Genes Treatment (full size) | Sunday Riley DuoYou are a Badass | Target Pillow Anthropologie Top | Hunter Boots (original) |  Hunter Boots (adjustable calf)
